Mitchell Landsberg, LA Times, Priest's "sermonettes" offer daily dose of spirituality through the iPhone, 25 Apr 2010 "Manning, an author and television personality who has a show on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, said that his early sermonettes were built around a daily reading from Scripture but that future ones will talk about the sometimes uneasy intersection of religion and science.
"He is aware, he said, that his iPhone sermons are reaching people at a time when the image of the Catholic Church is suffering from its handling of sexual abuse cases. "Very, very much so," he said. "The pain of what's going on is very, very, very deep in my own soul and heart. And I'm filled with sadness and I'm filled with deep apologies for what people have done, for what people I know have done.""
Also see GNT, Vatican Observatory Foundation iPhone App Launched Easter Sunday, 27 Apr 2010
Vatican Observatory Foundation
iTunes, Daily Sermonettes on Catholic Faith and Scripture with Fr. Mike Manning
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