Friday, April 28, 2006

Reuters/Yahoo, UCLA Egyptologists launching online encyclopedia, 28 April 2006, "Frustrated with the poor quality of many Web sites dealing with ancient Egypt, a professor at the University of California has decided to create a massive online encyclopedia devoted solely to Egyptology."

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

MSNBC/WWRN, At the comics shop, religion goes graphic, 25 April 2006, refers to and also includes quotes from Greg Garrett, the author of Holy Superheroes! Exploring Faith & Spirituality in Comic Books - which sounds like an interesting volume.

Sunday, April 09, 2006 - Let my people download! Passover texts available online, 6 April 2006 "Online texts particularly attract young Jewish adults who no longer live near family or in a neighborhood where bound Haggada texts are free or easily purchased, says Roger Bennett of Reboot (, a creative network of Jews in publishing, music and film." - Long-lost gospel of Judas recasts 'traitor', 6 April 2006 this includes a link to the document at National Geographic, The Lost Gospel of Judas

Saturday, April 08, 2006

ContractorUK, Man tries to sell his soul online, 8 April 2006, "According to Reuters, Taobao had no set terms and conditions for soul-selling but cancelled the auction, citing not enough proof the goods could be delivered.

"Porter Erisman, spokesman for Taobao's parent, Yahoo-backed, told the news agency that they were not against the auctioneering of souls, in principle."

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