Asia Times Online, Indian police get mobile over porn, 28 July 2005: "The long arm of the law silently watches over the shoulders of people to catch them "red-handed" watching porn, which is not illegal, but any form of promotion by forwarding/hosting (the technical word is multimedia messaging or MMS) can invite a jail sentence and a heavy fine."
Discussion, news and information about religion on the internet - associated with Gary R. Bunt's Good Web Guide to World Religions. This site is part of Feedback: blog at
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Friday, July 08, 2005
Scientologists drop copyright case | The Register, 8 July 2005: "A day before the Dutch Supreme Court was to deliver its final verdict, the Church of Scientology has dropped its controversial case against writer Karin Spaink, who hyperlinked to what the church believe is copyrighted material. However, Spaink wants the case to continue, as it will establish a freedom of speech precedence for the internet and ISPs in particular."
Monday, July 04, 2005
Encyclopedia of Religion, Communication, and Media, Internet and Cyber Environments Heidi Campbell's article is available online as a sample entry for the Encyclopedia.
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